Vanguard Spine & Sport has two convenient Houston locations in Memorial and Heights to make sure you live life well. We are proud to offer spinal decompression therapy, which is used to gently remove the pressure associated with compressive conditions of the lower back. This can also improve tissue healing and hydration by increasing blood flow to the injured area. Book an appointment today to learn how we can help you!
What to Expect
If the Vanguard Spine & Sport at Houston TX, Team recommends spinal decompression therapy for your condition, you begin your session by lying on your back on the decompression table. The team places a pillow under your knees for comfort and attaches a belt around your waist to an anchor on the table near your feet.
When the decompression table is turned on, you’ll feel a comfortable pulling or stretching sensation from your hips up into your back. The table gently tractions your hips down towards your feet for 30-60 minutes, until your therapy session is over.
Once your spinal decompression therapy session is finished, the team removes the belt around your waist and helps you off the table. You may feel a little off-balance at first but will likely notice an increase in your range of motion and flexibility immediately. The team may help you walk around for a few minutes until you’re comfortable walking on your own. You can return to your normal activities immediately after your visit.
Helping You Meet Your Goals Head On
Whether you’re suffering from chronic pain, a recent injury or you just want to make a lifestyle change, our team can help you achieve your best life. When you become our patient, you’ll have access to joint injections, chiropractic care, sports rehabilitation, weight loss and nutrition specialists, all under one roof.
Our team of professionals will always work together to increase your quality of care, adjust treatment plans and take all the hassle out of getting well!